Church Profile:

The Tabernacle of Worship Church TOWC is an Evangelical, Charismatic Christian Church, founded by (Daniel Kwadwo Kwakye). It’s was officially inaugurated as a Church on July 2011 at 63 Effra Road Brixton, London.




There is a Special Online Worship Service at Tabernacle of Worship every Sunday from 10:45 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. on Google Meet.

Our Online Sunday Morning Service represent a mix of background, ages and ethnic origin, reflecting on our diverse ethnicity. Some are students and some are part time / full time employment (including shift work). Almost 75 % of the members attending our online church service are from Manchester, Lecester, Nottingham, Dunstable and Colchester. And the 25% of our members are from London. 

As our ministry impacted your life and helps you renew and get you closer to Jesus Christ. We will like to hear from you. Let us know how God is working through you. God bless you. 








Principles and Practice

Our service takes a renewed approach to its teaching, worship, praise and word ministration.  In our Sunday worship service parent are allowed to bring their children to the service, because is a family service.  At present, our worship combines scripture Reading, traditional hymn singing with contemporary songs of Praise to be divinely inspired. We usually have a time for open prayer. The sermon is followed on after the hymn is sung. Members are required to be born again believers.



Churches beliefs are as follows:

  • We believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour.
  •  We believe in water and the Spirit baptism.
  • We believe that Jesus didn’t come to condemn the sinners but He came to show Love and to save them.
  • We believe in the death and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • We believe that God loves every human being, who apart from faith in Christ, is under God’s judgement and destined for hell.
  • Finally, we believe that in our proclamation of the Gospel we recognise the urgency of calling all to decision to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and to do so lovingly and without coercion or manipulation.